Team development
team effectiveness | collaboration
“Do or do not. There is no try”
– Yoda, Star Wars
Question of conscience. When is the last time you and your team felt a huge boost of energy? Had a sense of invincibility? Shrieking with laughter?
Too often we are in the mode of survival. Instead of living and living through it.
Teams are the building blocks of organizations. In teams, organizational goals are transformed into concrete results. What determines the quality of cooperation? What is at the core of a strong team? Team development aims to improve team performance and enjoyable cooperation.
Where are individual strengths and pitfalls? How can I learn to interact better with my colleague? How do you make the best use of what each has to contribute? How do you get team members to strengthen each other, trust and take action together?
We challenge teams to step out of their comfort zone. Using personality testing, group dynamics, peer review and on-the-job coaching. In this way, all the building blocks are laid, so that you and your team can ultimately shape the development that has been initiated.